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31 Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS5 6SE
GUIDE £600,000 +++
SOLD @ £700,000
Lot Number 18
The Live Online Auction is on Wednesday 19th May @ 18:00
Registration Deadline is on Monday 17th May @ 16:00
The Auction will be streamed LIVE ONLINE via the Hollis Morgan website & you can chose to bid by telephone, proxy or via your computer.
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Completion is set for 8 weeks or earlier subject to mutual consent.
Beat the Stamp Duty Deadline and complete before June 30th
Jason Richardson
Davies and Partners
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A Freehold period semi detached property occupying an elevated position with accommodation ( 2325 Sq Ft ) arranged over four floors plus enclosed rear garden and garage / plot to rear.
The property is currently arranged as a fully licensed 8 bedroom HMO.
Sold subject to existing tenancies.
The property is located on the Eastville end of Fishponds Road and just a short walk from Eastville Park. Local amenities and services are all within close proximity including independent retailers, pubs, bars, cafes and convenience stores. The M32 Motorway is nearby and provides direct routes in and out of Bristol with excellent access to UWE and Bristol University. The City Centre is approximately two miles away.
The property is arranged as a fully licensed 8 bedroom HMO
Let on AST contract for the 2020 / 21 Academic year terminating July producing £58,240
Pre Let on AST contracts for the 2021 / 22 Academic year terminating August producing £61,360
The historic income schedule shows continued rental growth in this highly sought after area.
2019 / 20 - £135 per room per week
2020 / 21 - £140 per room per week
2021 / 22 - £147.50 per room per week ( 5.36 % Increase )
Please refer to legal pack for further details.
To the rear of the property ( accessed from Bourne Lane ) is a large detached garage.
Interested parties will note that similar units have been converted into residential dwellings.
All subject to gaining the necessary consents.
Alternative Reference
Application ReceivedFri 17 Oct 2008
Application ValidatedFri 17 Oct 2008
AddressLand At Bourne Lane Bristol BS5 6SE
ProposalChange of use of detached, storage building to a single dwelling with associated alterations to the windows and doors. Provision of bin and cycle storage facilities.
Decision Issued DateFri 12 Dec 2008
Appeal StatusAppeal decided
Appeal DecisionAppeal Allowed
For full details of the EPC please refer to the online legal pack.
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