GUIDE £350,000 +++
SOLD @ £405,000
Wednesday 5th June 2019
All Saints Church Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2HY
Legal packs will be available for inspection from 18:00.
The sale will begin promptly at 19:00
Completion is set for 8 weeks or earlier subject to mutual consent.
Angela Taylor
Holley and Steer
Digital Copies of the Online legal pack can be downloaded Free of Charge.
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A Freehold detached property ( 1616 Sq Ft ) occupying an elevated position on a large mature plot set back from the road with double garage and parking.
Sold with vacant possession.
Tickenham enjoys convenient access to the M5 motorway network both North at Junction 19 or South at Junction 20. The nearby town of Nailsea has a Waitrose for day to day shopping with Clevedon also readily accessible for a wider range of amenities. Clifton Village and Bristol city centre are equally accessible. Schooling is also first class with many families enjoying the North Somerset schooling system with its many outstanding schools. Nearby you will find Backwell School as well as the well regarded Downs School in Wraxall. There are many sporting activities in North Somerset including sailing at the Chew Lakes, mountain biking in Leigh Woods, David Lloyd leisure centre in Long Ashton, golf at Tickenham/Long Ashton, sailing in Portishead and Trout fishing a few minutes drive away.
The property was recently marketed by Clevedon Agents with an asking price of £475,000
Whilst the property has been well cared for it would now benefit from basic updating to create a fine home with lovely gardens in this sought after area.
There is huge potential to develop the property with scope to add another floor and dramatically increase the accommodation whilst providing outstanding views over the Valley.
There is also the option to rearrange the existing layout and extend the ground floor area to create an equally stylish and practical family home.
All subject to gaining the necessary consents.
Stokes Morgan Planning Consultants say;
In our opinion a scheme of 2 units ( subject to consents ) would be viable please refer to the PPA for more details.
Please click or paste the link below to view the Professional Planning Appraisal.
For full details of the EPC please refer to the online legal pack.
Please be aware all purchasers are subject to a £1000 + VAT (£1,200 inc VAT) buyer's premium which is ALWAYS payable upon exchange of contracts whether the sale is concluded before, during or after the auction date.
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Hollis Morgan are supporting Bristol Zoo’s Bear Wood Appeal as our 2019 charity of the year with 5% of each buyers premium being donated.
Bear Wood is an exciting new development due to open in Summer 2019 at Wild Place Project. The exhibit will transport visitors back in time when the woodland was inhabited by European brown bears, Eurasian lynx, European wolves and wolverine, showing the effects of woodland loss on our native animals.
In 2018 we were delighted to be involved in raising £10,000 over 3 events for the “Off The Record” Bristol based mental health charity - www.otrbristol.org.uk
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